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Communication with parents

<< Back to News 10/16/2015 7:41:36 PM
There are mainly three types of communication channels with our dear parents:

1- Face to face communication in parents meetings or in case of emergency
2- Written comments or notes to the school administration or departments
3- Telephone calls
The school admin is not committed to reply to comments or complaints on private face book pages made by parents.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!
School Admin

School Song

House of Languages is my school
and success is my goal
I'll work night and day
and I will always say:
Nothing will stand in my way

Hope in me will never die
and I will always try
I will always aim high
take heart and ask why
and Nothing will stand in my way

I will plant a success tree
and I'll work like a bee
with my eyes I can see
that the future is for me
and Nothing will stand in my way

House of Languages